open resources
Suicide prevention, mental and emotional wellness
Please make use of and share these resources.
New Member Info
Our New Member Info explains some of the more subtle aspects that differentiate RA from other groups.
Our Code of Ethics
Our community’s Code of Ethics articulates the core values to which Relationship Anarchy aspires. These are the agreed values and principles that guide our decision making and our conduct.
Login Status
A few years back, the co-founders of Seattle Relationship Anarchy agreed that something important was missing. We wanted a place where our friends, partners, and lovers could grow, support, celebrate, and learn about each other’s non-traditional relationships. We read books, articles, websites, blogs, and online forums. We went to meet-ups, munches, workshops, and classes. But we lacked something rooted in our own circles.
We wanted something grown from our own communities, something enriched by our friends, and something that supported our closest peers.
So we made a thing - a discussion group, a support group, and a networked community all rolled into one. We picked dates, invited friends, and told them it would happen every month. We explained our discussions would likely revolve around non-monogamy, but that anyone interested in talking about intentional relationships was encouraged to attend. Invitees could attend as often as they’d like, but this would be about showing up and participating in person. It would be whatever we made together.